Monday, October 21, 2013

October is Almost Gone!!

It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of October.The leaves here on Long Island are changing and the chill in the air is very refreshing.I was really trying to make it all the way to the end of October to turn my furnace on.
But waking up this morning  I knew it was time for a blast of heat.
I would love to have a wood burning stove in my house.Love to hear the wood crackling and watch the fire, all cozy with my two yorkies Minnow and Till on the couch.
(Minnow and Till)


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Goodmorning Everyone

I am pleased that my blogging experience is getting better.
I am learning new things about blogging , Heather Powers is a great teacher . I am sure there is much more to learn.I want to redesign my blog page and profile and would love to have guest bloggers.
My blog is about inspiration and sharing what it is that inspires you.
I will be blogging on this subject soon.
I think we all have many things to share, about inspiration.

My mission is to help people that are just getting started making jewelry.
I am so lucky , I have many mentors. Wonderful women that have shared things with me
taught me new skills and shown me the ropes along the way.
I am still learning and growing .
Mojowoman Jewelry

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

test mojowoman Jewelry


Hi everyone I am showing my husband what a hyper link s to Mojowoman Jewelry

Mojowoman Jewelry on Hyperlinks

Coming along nicely

This is just perfect.I am learning more and more thanks to Heather Powers!
I have never been a blog person.I thought I may not have a thing to say that anyone wants to read.
But it all started when Heather invited me to be a quest blogger on her earrings everyday blog and I thought,,,,,,,, wow what a great way to get my feet wet.
She is so kind and she explains everything in a way that makes it so easy.
So as a grand mother , I am learning new and exciting things everyday.

Happy Blogging

hyper links

love blogging and learning new computer skills.I  was a lot older when I started to use a computer.

And yesterday my husband took these pics.
I like to take pics of my jewelry.
I know that anyone reading this thinks Mojowoman Jewelry is crazy